Load Straps & Ratchets

ratchet straps

Load Straps & Ratchets

SABS approved load straps and ratchets from 3.2 tons to 4.5 tons.

Load straps are also known as Tie Down straps and are used for securing down or tie goods down so it does not fall off whatever you want to tie it down on. Load straps are manufactured from various thicknesses of webbing with different breaking strengths ranging from 25mm x 2 ton straps to 75mm x 8 ton straps.

Webbing is a strong fabric woven as a flat strip or tube of varying width and fibres often used in place of rope. The name webbing comes from the meshed material frequently used in its construction, which resembles a web. It is a versatile component used in climbing, slack lining, furniture manufacturing, automobile safety, auto racing, towing, parachuting, military apparel, load securing, and many other fields.

Modern Webbing

Originally made of cotton or flax, most modern webbing is made of synthetic fibres such as nylon, polypropylene or polyester. Webbing is also made from exceptionally high-strength material, such as Dyneema, and Kevlar. Webbing is both light and strong, with breaking strengths readily available in excess of 10 tons.

There are two basic constructions of webbing. Flat webbing is a solid weave, with seatbelts and most backpack straps being common examples. Tubular webbing consists of a flattened tube, and is commonly used in climbing and industrial applications

Tie downs, tie straps, cargo straps, E-track straps, cargo hoist straps, tow ropes, winch straps, cargo nets, and dozens of other items are used by thousands of shipping and trucking companies every day. The transportation industry is perhaps the largest user of high strength webbing in the world.

Tie Down Straps

Tie down straps (also called lashing straps, webbing with linking device or tie downs) are fasteners used to hold down cargo or equipment during transport. Tie down straps are essentially webbing that is outfitted with tie down hardware. This hardware allows the tie down strap to attach to the area surrounding the cargo or equipment, loop over the cargo or equipment, and/or attach to the cargo or equipment. It usually also includes a method of tensioning the strap, such as a ratchet.

Two common types of tie down straps are loop straps and two-piece straps.

Loop Straps

Loop straps, like their name implies, are a single piece of webbing that is looped around the item to be protected and the two endpoints are brought together at the tie down fastener for fastening and providing tension.

Two-piece tie down straps are a single assembly that is constructed out of two separate pieces of webbing each with their own hardware that are fastened at one end to the area surrounding the equipment to be protected and connect to each other, typically at the fastener. Webbing with linking device is a product used for fastening of goods with truck, trailer, pallets, boxes, containers etc. This is also known as Ratchet lashing, Ratchet straps, Ratchet tie down, tie down straps, lashing with webbing etc.

Uses of Strapping Examples Include:

  • Bundling items together for handling and shipment: newspapers, pipe, lumber, concrete block, etc.
  • Attaching items to pallets, skids, and crates
  • Reinforcing wooden boxes, crates, and corrugated boxes
  • Attaching items to flatcars, flatbeds and semi-trailers,
  • Securing a unit load of bricks, packaged glass, metal parts, etc.
  • Closing corrugated boxes and shipping containers
  • Securing coils of steel or paper
  • Holding bales of agricultural products or textiles
  • Load securing items within intermodal containers, boxcars, and semi-trailers

Strapping is most often used in complete horizontal or vertical bands. Edge protectors are used to help spread the load at corners and reduce damage to the load by the tensioned strap. Strapping can also be used in loops attached to holding locations on rail cars, skids, etc.

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